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本厂专业制造,销售.剥线机.废旧电线剥皮机(电缆剥线机),开关线,插头线剥线机,废旧电子线及废旧通信电缆线脱皮机(全自动铜米机)等.拆解Ф0.5mm--Ф100mm旧电线.电缆.剥皮机械设备--------台州市奇元电缆剥线机制造厂: 热线:13732351318,0576-83509292,http://www.83509292.com
Qi yuan cable Baoxian Factory specializing in the production, sale, Bao Xian machine, the old wiring peeling machine, cable Baoxian machine. Wire peeling machine (Waste cable peeling machine) the old cable peeling machine, imported old cable peeling machines, 918 -- Automatic 500 metres of copper; dismantling and recycling of used materials machinery.